I arrived here almost 4 p.m, rain almost all the way from Benut. Benut? Why Benut? Because I started my journey at Along's house. Actually I bought Transnasional ticket already, Saturday 11 p.m but Mama didn't like that time. So I texted Along, and bla bla bla, we arrived in Shah Alam, hahaha..
Before we started the journey, Along said he wanna stop by his friend's house because ada kenduri kahwin. So kitorang pun makan-makan la.. There is a makcik sitting next to us, which is quite friendly.. She kept talking la, especially bout his son, which in currently taking engineering course in MMU Cyberjaya (dia kata ada 3 anak yg buat engineering, huh, villagers). And then she started to talk about MLM, anak makcik masuk MLM ni, bagus taw, anak pernah dengar, ceh, I really hate la MLM makcik, please la stop all your nonsense, siap suruh kitorang amek number hp anak dia, suruh join..
Aduila, if that person is about the same age as me, I will kick him hard on his ass. Please la guys, don't get tricked into joining MLM la, I found an article in one website, which stated MLM is haram.. The person who wrote this article keep saying to those 'tycoons' that what they are doing are forbidden. Tapi bila hati dah gelap dengan duit yang banyak, apa diorang kisah kan.. For me, biar la kita kaya atau dapat duit lambat, yang penting terjamin halal, sebab duit tu kita nak buat utk sara diri kita, sara family kita, kita takkan nak bagi family kita makan sesuatu yang meragukan kot..
Before we started the journey, Along said he wanna stop by his friend's house because ada kenduri kahwin. So kitorang pun makan-makan la.. There is a makcik sitting next to us, which is quite friendly.. She kept talking la, especially bout his son, which in currently taking engineering course in MMU Cyberjaya (dia kata ada 3 anak yg buat engineering, huh, villagers). And then she started to talk about MLM, anak makcik masuk MLM ni, bagus taw, anak pernah dengar, ceh, I really hate la MLM makcik, please la stop all your nonsense, siap suruh kitorang amek number hp anak dia, suruh join..
Aduila, if that person is about the same age as me, I will kick him hard on his ass. Please la guys, don't get tricked into joining MLM la, I found an article in one website, which stated MLM is haram.. The person who wrote this article keep saying to those 'tycoons' that what they are doing are forbidden. Tapi bila hati dah gelap dengan duit yang banyak, apa diorang kisah kan.. For me, biar la kita kaya atau dapat duit lambat, yang penting terjamin halal, sebab duit tu kita nak buat utk sara diri kita, sara family kita, kita takkan nak bagi family kita makan sesuatu yang meragukan kot..
nice post!!
fav part 'villagers'
direct trans from 'kampung!'(which kena baca dgn nada yg betul)
kudos pal!!
yeah, aku bukan kutuk orang kampung, tapi sape mkn cili die ar terasa pedas, takkan jiran die lak yang terase, hahaha..
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